New Roles: Standardized Patient Coordinator

Welp. It’s been a while.

A whole pandemic to be exact. (Which technically still isn’t even over.)

I just wanted to share a pretty major life update:

In February 2021, after getting through the pandemic on unemployment and any contractor work I could find, just as I was getting ready to pack my bags and move in with my parents, I applied for a full-time job as a Standardized Patient Coordinator at Kansas University Medical Center. What started out as a part-time standardized patient job turned into my first full-time “big girl” job with a university. I can happily say it’s been a major, positive life change.

Taking on this job allowed me to move into a larger apartment (one whole room larger, to be exact), and in the last year and half, I’ve learned many new skills.

I enjoy my work as an SP Coordinator (it’s very much like being a stage manager) and I especially enjoy the financial stability and security it brings. (Something I’ve never had as an adult since leaving college.)

Although I still plan to write and participate in the odd theater project here and there, I will not be continuing theater full-time. And that’s ok. <3 I’m happy to get to participate as my schedule allows, and enjoy spending more time taking care of myself and spending time with family and friends.

That’s all for now!